People who suffer from sweating during the night do not sleep well, and toss and turn constantly in their beds trying to fall asleep. Excessive perspiration can have many causes, and they are not exclusively linked to the temperature in the bedroom. For example, during the night, one may sweat copiously due to stress, infections, certain pharmaceuticals, or more serious pathologies. People who have to deal with nocturnal perspiration deserve a support that reduces this problem as far as possible, helping them to sleep soundly and protecting against the formation of moulds and fungi, which proliferate in damp surroundings.

A lack of sleep has repercussions on activities during the day, and so if the reason for disturbed sleep is excessive perspiration, a specific pillow capable of alleviating this condition is necessary. The key factor in countering perspiration is breathability, a characteristic that is guaranteed by the use of high-quality temperature-regulating materials, such as those used in Fabe anti-sweating pillows, and by innovative technology such as the modern Cooler® yarn that ensures a cool, comfortable surface.