Snoring is a sleeping disorder that can also create difficulties for the person alongside: quality of sleep is marred by a snorer. In addition, something that should not be overlooked is that snoring can be the symptom of a more serious illness, the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) which, causing blockages in the upper airways during sleep, causes constant micro-awakenings that impair sleeping and increase stress.

With anti-snoring pillows by Fabe, the quality of life and sleep improves. This is a special pillow designed to raise shoulders and head from the mattress, also encouraging a slight forwards inclination, which prevents the tongue from sliding backwards in the mouth. This position facilitates the passage of air in nose and throat and therefore reduces snoring. Medical pillows for snorers remove pressure on the throat because they keep the neck and head aligned and prevent muscular contractions that affect the quality of sleep.