Backache is a frequent problem affecting both adults and children. Adults, because they spend most of the day sitting behind a desk, and often take up a bad posture that puts load onto the lumbar region, or fall asleep in the wrong positions; children, due to the weight of school backpacks full of books. Pregnant women also suffer from back pain: for them, we have specific pillows that support the bump, relieving the weight on the back.

In addition to physical exercise, which reinforces back muscles, and the correct posture to be adopted to alleviate lumbar pain, it is important to invest in the choice of bed pillows to reduce back pain. Fabe offers solutions for sleeping, but also orthopaedic cushions for the office chair, providing support for the lower part of the back when you are seated, preventing a curved position in the chair when you are tired, and helping to prevent painful tension in the muscles of the lumbar column.