Adolescents have a very active lifestyle: school, sports activities in the afternoon, going out with friends, and often in the evening they go to bed late and find it difficult to wake up early the next morning. In order to ensure that young people have all the energy that they need during the day to study and play sports, it is important that they sleep well at night. For quality sleep, it is essential that adolescents have comfortable pillows and mattresses.

Which problems could prevent peaceful sleep for young people up to the age of 17 years? Allergies, backache caused by too much sport or the wrong posture at school desks, excessive perspiration as a result of growth hormones, anxiety and worries that make it harder to fall asleep. Fabe has subdivided its range of quality pillows into different age and weight groups, because at every moment of an adolescent's growth, there are different requirements of ergonomics and sleep.